Saturday, July 30, 2011

Property Tax Exemptions for Disabled Vets

Here in Killeen (and the surrounding Ft Hood area) we are very accustomed to seeing men and women who serve their country every day. Before I go any further, let me ask you to take a minute this week and just say thank you to one of these brave individuals.

Did you know that the state of Texas says thank you to those veterans with service-connected disabilities who own property in Texas by offering a property tax exemption up to 100%.  Following is information from the Texas Veterans Commission website:

Who qualifies?
Veterans with the following service-connected disability rating:
  • 10%-30% First $ 5,000 of appraised value
  • 30%-50% First $ 7,500 of appraised value
  • 50%-70% First $ 10,000 of appraised value
  • 70% & over First $ 12,000 of appraised value          
  • 100% Rating or Individual Unemployability = 100% of appraised value     
Additional eligibility:
  • Surviving spouses and minor children who are unmarried and under 21 years of age of a person who dies on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible for an exemption of the first $5000 on the appraised value of their property.
  • A veteran who has a disabilityrating of 10% or higher and who is 65 years or older is entitled to the maximum property tax exemption.
  • A veteran whose disability consists of the loss of use of one or more limbs or total blindness in one or both eyes is entitled to the maximum exemption of $12,000.
  • The surviving spouse of a deceased veteran, who at the time of death had a compensable disability and was entitled to an exemption, is also entitled to that exemption if the surviving spouse is unmarried but cannot receive 100% exemption.
  • The exemption applies to the property until it changes ownership or the person’s qualification for the exemption changes. 
How to get it?
Fill out Form 50-135 and send to County Appraisal District. Proof of eligibility must accompany application. Applications for the exemption must be completed between January 1 and April 30. 

If you would like more information about what the Texas Veterans Commission does, just click the link

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